
CSI: The Netherlands = Very Boring

Columbia, MD

Someone recently quipped to me that our chances of getting murdered have gone down dramatically with our reversal of direction from Bogotá to The Hague. I actually looked at this data a few weeks ago and plotted it because of ongoing admonitions from family about choosing Bogotá. It turns out, the smartest thing we did was move out of DC.

My life looks like it will be very boring in the The Hague. For all of the criminal courts, it does not appear there are many local violent criminals. As it were, all politics and murder are local. I don't think of Detroit as particularly dangerous, but I am sure for certain people and locations it is extremely dangerous. Wherever you live, I hope it is not Caracas, Venezuela.

Sources: US Cities, Wikipedia, FBI, NYTimes.com


Den Haag

Bound for Bogotá The Hague

Bad news: We are not going to Bogotá, Colombia. Good news: We are moving to The Hague, The Netherlands (here is 
*The* Wikipedia entry). So I chucked my designer salsa pants for a sturdy rain jacket. We are going to be there for at least a year. At the last moment Mags got a job that was too great to turn down. As for me, I will still be doing entrepreneurial things, learning to make 101 different dishes with herring (pickled being the first), and learning how to smoke ... gouda. Let me know if you have good suggestions for learning Dutch quickly or good places to go in Den Haag. Proost!