
Success! (at Submitting an Application)

Den Haag, Nederland

We had our penultimate visit with the Dutch Immigration (IND) last week. We knew going into it that they were simply going to accept our application and thank us for our 300 euro application fee. I think we were both secretly hoping that they would say something like "everything appears to be in order and you are, after all, a handsome american couple so you should expect your permit in a few weeks." Of course, that did not happen, but, the IND did give me a fancy temporary visa stamp in my passport that will allow me to return after Christmas for up to six months.

Fingers crossed, in that period of time the IND will approve my application and grant me a 12 month visa. Then we'll figure out what and if I need to reapply to extend that 12 months later.

Thanks to everyone who helped take the survey and/or review the business plan. Maggie pulled out some really great editing at the last moment for the business plan and it is something to be proud of, even if a Dutch bureaucrat is the only one who has the opportunity to read it. Now I need to execute on some of it.

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