
Apartment Hunting in Holland

The Hague, The Netherlands

We have arrived in The Hague. This will be our fourth day of apartment hunting and hopefully our last. Having never really spent that much time in Holland, I forgot how steep the stairs are in most homes. I think it is a space saving / space generating measure to allow Dutch to build higher and tighter. We have been climbing and climbing all week. Some of the rooms we climbed into were literally ladders like the one you have on your attic that fold down from a hatch. The only guidance given by the agent showing us the apartment with the hatch and ladder was "watch your step." Ha!

We have seen a lot of apartments and just as with any house hunting, you never find the perfect mix of price and size. The plan is to make a final decision today. It is a fun equation because we are balancing a furnished apartment, city center location, gas/electric inclusion, and price. Use the poll to let us know which one you think we should take.

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