
Ons nieuwe huis!

The people have spoken, all eight of you (including me). We are renting the place on the canal and we moved in already. The street is called Veenkade and we are already settling in after an obligatory run to IKEA (with the USD/EUD exchange rate swiftly moving to 1.4 dollars per euro, not such a bargain).

Veenkade as one word does not appear to mean anything but if you look up "veen" and "kade" separately in Google Translate, it compounds as "peat-wharf", which seems appropriate. Although, I don't see any peat and you cannot really call it a wharf if there is only a boat with a pull-start outboard motor moored.

Most canals and streets seem to have the same name here, but this one does not. Also, the streets have different names on either side of the canal. The nearest intersection has a congested and weird traffic pattern. I never know who I am supposed to yield to: tram, bike, car, boat, etc. I am sure it will somehow lead to my early demise. Also, there are two coffee shops and a really nice vegetarian cafe that seems ripped right out of Portland, OR.

Our place is on the edge of the city center (aka centrum), on the cool tram line, and next to the palace gardens (Paleistein) and what everyone refers to as the "royal stables." Although heavily guarded, I have not heard any neighing nor seen any Phaetons coming or going. I'll be sure to note any royal sightings.

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